Product list

About Our Treats...
We only use human grade quality ingredients without adding any salt, sugar or preservatives. In the case of our liver organ treats, they are boiled to remove as much fat as possible.
Our gluten products are made with white or wheat flour, while our gluten free products are made with rice flour.
Any products made with peanut butter have peanut butter flour to eliminate sugars and oils.
Our jerkys do not contain glycerin and the only filler we use is in our liver treats. In those, we add corn meal as a binding agent. We add natural citric acid in our ground turkey treat to insure a greater shelf life.
Keep in mind that these are treats and that should be used in moderation. These should never be used to replace a normal diet.

Meet Our Quality Control
This is our dog Coal.
Coal found us when his prior owner dropped him off near our home and left him on his own. Starving and wary, he came to our yard and, after days of coaxing with food, we can still remember the day when we pulled him down onto our laps. It was inseparable love from that day forward.
Coal was timid, because he was being chased away by other neighbors and hunted by Animal Control. He also had a friend and protector that was caught by Animal Control and had to be put down because of an aggressive nature.
Since he has come to live with us, he has become our Quality Control head and doubles as Research Development. All treats pass by him and he gives a paws up or down on any new treats. Although partial to our Jerkys, he also enjoys our gluten and non-gluten treat.
It's an ideal job with food, treats, warm home and loving owners. We can't figure out who saved who.